
We desire for everyone to be connected in some way that challenges them, that grows their faith in Jesus and mutually edifies one another.

Our Ministries

Community Kids Ministry

Our Community Kids Ministry consists of classes for kids age 4 up through 6th grade. These classes engage our students in biblical age-appropriate studies, activities, and crafts. All of our teachers have full clearances and have a passion for teaching kids. Our Community Kids join the adults at the beginning of our gatherings to engage in the worship portion of our service and then are dismissed to their classes before the message portion of the gathering. We also offer a nursery for those from birth through age 3 that is staffed during the entire Worship Gathering.

Teen Ministry

Our Teen Ministry is for those that are in Grades 6 through 12. Meeting at 9:00am, before our Sunday morning worship service, they engage in biblical studies that challenge them to grow in their relationship with Jesus and how they can be the hands and feet of Jesus to their peers.

Men's & Women's Groups

There are various opportunities throughout the year where a group of men or women will gather together for fellowship, a specific outreach activity, or for a time of teaching. Specific dates and times for these are communicated through the announcements on Sunday mornings, through our weekly newsletters, and will also be posted on our website.

Divorce Care

Once or twice throughout the year, there is a couple that leads a Divorce Care group that will help those that have experienced in the past or are currently walking through separation or divorce to find hope and healing. This group is not just for adults, there is also a Divorce Care for Kids program that runs in conjunction with the adult classes. Specific dates and times for these are communicated through the announcements on Sunday mornings, through our weekly newsletters, and will also be posted on our website.

Discipleship Groups

Here at PVCC we believe that one of the best ways that we grow in our relationship with Jesus is through relationships with one another through community. One of the ways that we do this is through small groups of people getting together for deeper times of fellowship, teaching, accountability, and doing life together. These groups meet in various places and at various times throughout the year. If you would like more information on how you can get plugged into a discipleship group, please reach out to the church office.